Charter School Classes

Kid’s Jiu Jitsu

Jiu-Jitsu class is intended to teach the basics of this martial art. Students meet every 2+ days a week and the schedule can be found here. Classes begin at age 3 and continue on until adulthood. All students must have a gi (uniform) for class, new students can come in comfortable clothing until a gi is purchased. We are currently vendors through Sage Oak Charter School, Gorman Learning Charter School, and Granite Mountain Charter School. If you are signing up your child for this class please be sure to sign our liability waiver here.

Kid’s Nature Reconnection

Our kid’s nature reconnection course’s mission is to preserve the skills and knowledge that allows humans to thrive in nature. We believe that by developing a relationship with nature our students will remain grounded in difficult and challenging times. The skills our students learn teach them to be resourceful, creative, self-expressive, and self-reliant. Our goal is to get our students off the iPads and away from the TV screens for a more balanced and healthy life while preparing them to overcome obstacles and challenges. Our classes are for kids aged 7 and up and we meet at 6069 Park Dr in Wrightwood every Friday from 9:00 am - 11:30 am. We are currently vendors through Sage Oak Charter School, Gorman Learning Charter School, and Granite Mountain Charter School. If you are registering your child for this class please visit this link to do our online onboarding and sign our liability waivers.